Posted by: knitgeek | February 14, 2007

“Wish In One Hand,…

The title of this post pays homage to my Nana, who is 96, sassy as pie and a Yorkshire lass through and through. It is part of a saying that I had only heard one way(the York’s way) until fairly recently. I’ll supply the recent recital, since it is rated “g”   … Spit in the other and see which one fills up faster.”  Now I am sure you are all wondering  just what the other version was,…well, suffice to say the word does rhyme with spit and it even has some of the same letters, in fact only one letter is different. I can hear those gears grinding – did you figure it out? And what, pray tell, does this have to do with the blog at hand? Umm. nothing really – just Life = my life -so welcome to my little soiree~

And now, to quote Austin Powers – “Allow myself to introduce, er, my self .”

I am Deb in real life,  KnitGeek on Vox and t3chgodd3ss on Ravelry & Flickr – love to knit, love yarn and fibre – love to weave too.  I am a tattooed knitter(I proudly have 9 & counting).
I have one son who is currently serving in the US Navy(i’m so proud of him!)
I have two pugs; a black male – Yoshi and a fawn female- Michi – they are my fur babies and my knitting companions – they love to get in my lap when I am knitting!
I learned to knit from my mom,(she is a thrower), when I was pretty young – don’t remember exactly how old – maybe 6 or 7. anyway, when my son was little I started knitting again – living up north in milwaukee also contributed to my knitting. At that time,  my son was attending a waldorf school and I learned how to knit european style from the handwork teacher and I fell in love with the craft – it is almost a spiritual thing for me, very meditative and calming – it also helped me overcome an aversion to flying – I knit during take off to calm myself.
I went through university and took lots of art courses including fiber arts, so I also love to weave – I  have a harrisville floor loom. 
I am currently working as a tech specialist in an elementary school, hence the technology portion of my blogline , but I hope to someday be able to find my way back to art and make a living that way…yes, I am a dreamer 🙂
I look forward to meeting all my fellow travelers on the lifetechknitting path,…
